How to Make a Motocycle
It is a racing adventure of mechanics, teamwork, and friendship. It continues the Technical Tales series, where a group of three unlikely friends - a rat, a sparrow, and a frog come together to build another vehicle--a motorcycle! As they start working, they encounter many unexpected obstacles, teaching them (and the reader) about the different parts that make a motorcycle work. Detailed illustrations explain the overall functions of the engine, clutch, brakes, distributors, as well as many other parts of the motorcycle. Through hard work and perseverance, the three friends learn about mechanics and teamwork as they work together to build a miniature motorcycle.
Translated into Ukrainian.
Author, illustrator: Martin Sodomka. Translation: Tetyana Savchenko. Pages: 60. Published in: 2016.
370 g
370 g
The product is discarded
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